It’s so expensive to f*ck.

I live in a big city, work as an engineer in a cool AI startup, I’m tall and workout 3-4 times a week which seems to be effective on Tinder. I get lots of DMs and while that’s great, every date I go on tends to follow the same pattern. We meet, talk, have drinks, and sometimes have a nice dinner. Whether the bill is $30 or $100, my dates never seem to offer to pay, not even 10% of it! And damn that’s expensive.. I spend half of my salary on rent and the other half on these first dates. All I want is to have a good f*ck with a hot girl…

You are all proud feminists until it gets to that part of the date when we order the bill, it doesn’t matter where you were born how you were raised and who you follow on Instagrams you can be all about #meetoo but it’s the last thing you will say when the bill gets to the table or to the bar! No #meetoo in that part!

I decided to test my recent date from OKcupid, she suggested we go to a new bar near her apartment downtown and I was all into her, she looked like a blonde Madison Beer 🤤🤤 it was going well she was even interesting and was not playing games, we kissed after 2 drinks and I suggested we go to her place to have another quiet drink.. I was already imagining how I rip off her very tight jeans and suck every inch of her clit making her squirt in my face… and that’s exactly when things got a bit crazy.. she told me she needs to go to the restroom just a second after I ordered the bill, I knew exactly what that meant, another bill I needed to pay for..

I went after her, got into her stall, went down on her and as she was screaming her face off we fucked hard and fast it took me 3 minutes and I was out of there literally satisfied to my bones.. went back to the bar told the bartender she will be out in a second to pay the bill and went home. I know it’s not moral but I couldn’t afford another date it was only Monday..

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