The lawyer that made me end up in a stall.

We matched on Tinder a few weeks ago, he works at a big lawfirm, looks just the way I like and overall seemed sooo fine. I really wanted to meet him. We hit up this cute wine bar near my place, when I saw him in the flesh, I was practically melting on the spot. I mean, he looked even better than his pics, if that's even possible... as soon as we started chatting, I could feel the heat rising.

Like, I was seriously struggling to keep my cool. And then, add a glass or two of wine into the mix? Let's just say, things escalated quickly. finally someone who is not interviewing me or afraid from the fact I am 35 and single. But right before we left, I ducked into the restroom, and that's when it hit me... this overwhelming urge to, uh, release some tension...So there I am, mid-pee, and suddenly, I'm hit with this wave of arousal. I couldn't help myself—I had to do something about it I just felt like I can cum.. I was so aroused by that sexy tall guy... I couldn't invite him over because my apartment was a mess.

Anyway... So, right there in the stall, I started... and didn't wipe myself instead I started touching my clit rubbing my fingers up and down pressing and squeezing, pressing up and down, I orgasmed in 2 minutes cleaned myself washed my hands and came back to the table.

The bill was sitting there, staring me in the face!! We shared one bottle of wine 3 entrée's and a desert... not  a full dinner and we didn't even drink a shot of a fancy cocktail.. he waited for me to come back and split the bill!!

I was shocked!

No, I don't go out on dates to find a sugar daddy but where the hell did the gentlemen go in 2024?? The men should always offer to pay! ALWAYS! I WAS TURNED OFF IN A SECOND. I'm all about feminism and all that but men should pay on the first date like they should put down the toilet seat!! I paid my half and went home to literally finish what I started in the wine bar's stall.

Thank God someone invented vibrators. I'm sure he was no cheap douchebag from Tinder... Ladies, make sure you pre-check your date's money habits before you meet them. How? I have no f*cking idea... let me know when you find out what's the secret...

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